Hong Kong Education and Culture Centre

Blockchain Technology and Real Use Case Studies Course

Blockchain is one of the most significant technologies to impact businesses and public affairs. Corporates and institutions are eager to incorporate blockchain into their existing strategies and exemplify potential of its application in various industries. This course is designed accordingly to equip staff at all levels with fundamental knowledge and up-to-date information of blockchain.

Over the course, participants will gain a foundational understanding of blockchain, and its implications and effects in different industries through detailed analysis on use cases and innovation strategies of blockchain applications.

The course aims to provide a fundamental understanding of blockchain with an overview of technological development and market trends of blockchain technology, as well as studies on real use cases for planning and managing blockchain projects.

1. Understanding blockchain

  • Cryptography concepts and blockchain terminology
  • Smart contracts
  • Role and value of digital tokens

2.Security in blockchain

  • Authorization and authentication
  • How blockchain improve data security
  • Limitations and vulnerability of blockchain

3.Technology trends

  • Market disruptions caused by technology
  • Impact of blockchain in industries worldwide
  • Future of blockchain technology, AI, and digital privacy

4.Use cases and industry adoption

  • Real use cases in commercial sector: healthcare, finance, automobiles, supply chain, real estate, food, media and advertisements)
  • Real use cases in public sector and other governments
  • Related IT infrastructures and initiatives in the Hong Kong Government

5.Blockchain Solution Offerings in the market

  • Choosing the right blockchain platform (e.g. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, EOS, NEO, Stellar)
  • “Blockchain as a Service” (BaaS) providers (e.g. IBM Hyperledger, Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, ConsenSys Kaleido, Oracle Blockchain, SAP Cloud Platform Blockchain, R3)
  • Chinese tech giants in blockchain: Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu

6.Group discussion and presentation on projects

  • Group discussions on blockchain adoptions on your job functions.
  • Group presentation on the scope, scale and trajectory of the market for your own blockchain adoption strategy
  • Q&A